A. 购置费
B. 保险费
C. 验车上牌费
D. 抵押费
A. 抗感染
B. 胃肠减压留置胃管
C. 立即手术
D. 禁食
E. 维持水电酸碱平衡
A. 使人们有效地利用现有卫生资源
B. 了解疾病的发展规律
C. 使人们自愿地采取健康生活方式
D. 增进人们的健康知识
E. 改善人们的健康状况,提高人们的生活质量
A. 以学生的发展为本
B. 以教师的教学为本
C. 以促进教学为本
D. 以学科发展为本
everal people in an finance customer IT department are asking for fileset updates that the system administrator received from IBM earlier that day on CD-ROM. The system administrator created an install directory on their machine and made it available to everyone. Which of the following commands will allow the system administrator to copy the images from an IBM update CD-ROM to the install directory()
A. "smit bffcreate" from the target directory
B. "tar -xvf /dev/cd0" from the target directory
C. "restore -xvqf /dev/cd0" from the target directory
D. mount the cdrom on /cdrom and run "cp /cdrom/* ." from the target directory