
The ability to laugh at your own flaws, weaknesses and blunders has long been recognized as a sign of maturity. (67) Eleanor Roosevelt put it, "You don’t grow up (68) you have your first good laugh at yourself." And yet this is one of the most difficult aspects of your (69) of humor to develop. It’s easy to see the humor in someone else’s (70) or flaws, but it’s another story when the (71) thing happens to us. That’s why we’ve put (72) working on this part, of your sense of humor until you’ve already (73) some good humor skills in areas that have (74) to do with laughing at yourself. Oscar Wilde once offered a valuable (75) about the way we live our lives when he said that" Life is (76) important to be taken seriously." (77) do you think he meant by this I don’t think he meant you don’t have to (78) your responsibilities, promises, work, etc. seriously. He didn’t mean that it’s OK to live life with no (79) . I think he meant that the quality of our life (80) when we approach everything in a (81) manner. We lose the aliveness, joy and (82) we had when we were kids when we take everything so seriously, (83) when we take ourselves so seriously. I think the key here is to take your work and your responsibility seriously, (84) take yourself lightly in the (85) When you take yourself seriously all the time, you will (86) many benefits that a playful attitude and humor can offer.

B. Since
C. So
D. For


Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

A. Lightness of movement.
Beautiful scenery.
C. Free expression.
D. Enthusiastic music.

甲公司是上市公司,拥有一家子公司——乙公司。2006~2008年发生的相关交易如下: (1)2006年,甲公司将100件商品销售给乙公司,每件售价3万元,每件销售成本2万元,销售时甲公司已为该批存货计提存货跌价准备100万元(每件1万元)。2006年乙公司销售了其中的20件,年末该批存货可变现净值为140万元。2007年乙公司对外售出40件,年末存货可变现净值为90万元。2008年乙公司对外售出10件,年末存货可变现净值为45万元。 (2)甲公司2008年12月31 应收乙公司账款余额为600万元,年初应收乙公司账款余额为500万元。假定甲公司采用应收账款余额百分比法计提坏账准备,坏账准备的计提比例为5%。 假定两公司均采用资产负债表债务法核算所得税,税率为25%。税法规定,企业取得的存货应按历史成本计量;各项资产计提的减值损失只有在实际发生时,才允许从应纳税所得额中扣除。 根据上述资料,回答以下问题。 2007年关于内部存货交易的抵消处理中,对递延所得税项目的影响额为( )万元。

A. -15
B. -2.5
C. -17.5
D. 2.5

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A. It is a five star hotel.
B. It provides excellent service.
C. It is equipped with modern facilities.
D. It is quite near to the main square.

[案例三] 前景 某承包人承接了一特大桥梁工程,该工程工期紧、任务重、合同价低。为既要保质保量完成工程任务,又能尽力节约施工成本,公司要求项目部认真做好施工组织设计和成本控制工作。为此提出了四条成本管理的原则:(1)成本管理最低化原则;(2)全面成本管理原则;(3)成本管理有效化原则;(4)成本管理科学化原则。 为了编写好实施性施工组织设计,项目部组织人员搜集了如下一些资料:施工技术资料、工程设计文件、自然条件及有关政策规定。并拟定了如下编写步骤:(1)分析设计资料,选择施工方案和施工方法;(2)计算人工、材料、机具需要量,制定供应计划;(3)编制工程施工总体进度计划;(4)设计临时工程,编制供水、供电(供热)计划;(5)编制工地运输计划;(6)绘制施工平面布置图;(7)分析计算技术经济指标;(8)编写说明书。 同时,项目部也充分认识到,要降低施工成本,重点是要降低材料成本,特别是抓好材料的采购环节。因此在工程开工前,项目部就积极地选择材料供应商。经人介绍,选择了一家砂、石供货商,并依据其资信状况、业绩信誉进行了评价,认为符合相关要求,随后就与其签订了长期供货合同。 问题: 技术经济指标通常用于评价施工方案的合理性,如分项工程生产率。请再列举两项技术经济指标。
