
Which of the following goals would be appropriate for the client with hepatitis B

A. The client will verbalize the importance of using sedatives to provide adequate rest.
B. The client will avoid social activities with friends after discharge from the hospital.
C. The client will adhere to measures to prevent the spread of infection to others.
D. The client will adhere to a low sodium, low protein diet.


The nurse is making a plan of care for the child with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis to reduce joint pain in the morning just after arising. Which of the following interventions would be included in the plan

Awakening the child once nightly to exercise the joints.
B. Having the child sleep in a sleeping bag.
C. Having the child sleep with the joints flexed.
D. Increasing pain medication at bedtim

An 20-month-old with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is seen in the clinic for health maintenance. Which of the following vaccines would the nurse anticipate administering to this toddler

A. Diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis.
B. Varicella.
C. Measles, mumps, and rubella.
D. Hemophilus influenz

The client complains a continuous bladder irrigation after a transurethral resection. Which of the following is the major goal of nursing interventions related to the irrigation

A. Recognize signs of prostate cancer.
B. Perform activities of daily living.
C. Maintain catheter patency.
D. Reduce incisional bleedin

After determining that a pregnant client is Rh-negative, the physician orders an indirect Coombs’test. What’s the purpose of performing this test on a pregnant client

A. To determine the fetal blood Rh factor.
B. To determine the maternal blood Rh factor.
C. To detect maternal antibodies against fetal Rh-positive factor.
D. To detect maternal antibodies against fetal Rh-negative factor.
