案例分析题Saving money is the primary way to prepare for the costs of college. Setting (36)________a certain amount of money every month or each payday will help build up a fund for college. If you and your child begin (37)________early, the amount you have to set aside each month will be smaller. In order to set up a savings (38)________, you’’ll need to think about where your child might attend college, how much that type of college might (39)________, and how much you can afford to save. Keep in mind that colleges of the same type have a (40)________of costs and your child may be able to attend one that is less (41)________. You can also pay part of the costs from your earnings while your child is (42)________school. In addition, some federal, state, or other student financial aid may be (43)________, including loans to you and to your child. Finally, during the school year or during the summer, (44)________________. You will also want to think about what kind of savings instrument to use or what kind of investment to make. By putting your money in some kind of savings instrument or investment, (45)________________. Interest refers to the amount that your money earns when it is kept in a savings instrument. (46)________________. 37()