
[音频]John 1 (Thomson, Simpson, Timpson) is an overseas student in China. He is from England. He studies Chinese in the university. And Lin is 2 (a first-year, a third-year, a fourth year) Chinese student at the university. The two young men met for the first time. They introduce themselves to each other with 3 (pleasure, pressure, politeness). John is doing his Chinese 4 (project, program, product) at the university. Lin is going to graduate a year later. He intends to further his study in the UK by working toward a 5 (bachelor's, master's, doctor's) degree. Both John and Lin are online. From now on they can also keep in 6 (reach, speech, touch) through the Internet and help each other at any time.


下列不属于超声雾化吸入器的特点的是( )

A. 雾滴小而均匀,直径在5µm以下
B. 药液随呼吸可被吸到终末支气管及肺泡
C. 雾化液温暖、舒适
D. 雾量的大小可以调节
E. 用氧量小,节约资源

连续使用超声波雾化吸入时,雾化器水槽内的水温不宜超过( )

A. 30度
B. 40度
C. 50度
D. 60度
E. 70度

需连续使用超声波雾化吸入器时,应间隔( )

A. 10min
B. 20min
C. 30min
D. 40min
E. 60min

氧气雾化吸入时,下列操作方法不正确的是( )

A. 核对病人,做好解释
B. 抽吸并稀释药液
C. 湿化瓶内加入蒸馏水
D. 嘱病人紧闭口唇深吸气,呼气用鼻
E. 氧流量为6~8L/min
