设a = 5,b = 6,c = 7,d = 8,执行下列语句后,x的值为:x = IIf((a> b) And (c > d), 10, 20)
下面If语句与Case表达式的意义相同的是_____。select case xcase 1,3,is<10..............
A. if x=1 and x=3 and x<10 then
B. if x=1 or x=3 and x<10 then
C. if x=1 or x=3 or x<10 then
D. if x=1 and x=3 or x<10 then
下面程序功能是判断一个数是否既能被2整除,又能被11整除。空白处应该添加的表达式为_____。Private SubForm_Click()Dima As Integera= InputBox("请输入一个数:")If______ThenPrinta; "既能被2整除又能被11整除"End IfEnd Sub
A.a Mod 2 = 0 And a Mod 11 = 0
B.a \ 2 = 0 And a \ 11 =0
C.Int(a / 2) =0 And Int(a / 11) = 0
D.Fix(a / 2) =0 And Fix(a / 11) =0