How long is the history of Chinese tea ?
A. 2, 000 years.
B. 3, 000 years.
C. 4, 000 years.
D. 5, 000 years.
According to historical research, Chinese emperor and herbalist, ________ was the first one who discovered tea?
A. Shennong
B. Lu Yu
C. Emperor Qianlong
D. Cha Jing
The use of tea as a beverage drunk for pleasure on social occasions dates from the ________ Dynasty.
A. Han
B. Ming
C. Tang
D. Qing
Chinese tea can be classified into ________ distinctive categories:
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
在请求分页系统中,为进程分配内存时,以下( )不是系统要考虑的问题。
A. 最小物理块数的确定
B. 内存分配策略
C. 物理块分配算法
D. 页面置换次数