Sources of examples are ____, _____, ______, and ______ etc.
A. personal experience or observation
B. authoritative sources
C. anecdotes
D. quotations
Three elements in an exemplification paragraph are ____, _____ and ______.
A. topic sentence
B. examples
C. signal words
D. figures of speech
Four types of exemplification include __________ .
A. listing
B. exemplifying
C. illustrating
D. hypothetical example
E. exposition
Pick out the irrelevant examples supporting the following topic sentence.Topic sentence: Male chauvinism is evident in TV commercial advertisements.
A. Commercials are new in China compared to those indeveloped countries.
B. There are two female images in Chinese TV commercials: traditional women busy with household chores and "modern women" who believe that pleasure is the most important thing in life.
C. In TV ads, "modern women" usually invite their boyfriends to buy them presents.
D. Chinese commercials are porviding a stage for women who appear to be very fashionable, cheerful and successful.
E. One sees in a TV ad a young man in nicely-pressed Western-style clothes sitting on a couch reading a newspaper, while his beautiful wife pulls off his socks.
F. Men in commercials are confident, career-oriented and energetic. A table of delicious food prepared by their wives is always waiting for them.