A. 不良率变幅为负时,说明资产质量上升
B. 利息实收率用于衡量目标区域信贷资产的收益实现情况
C. 信贷资产相对不良率大于1时,说明目标区域信贷风险低于银行一般水平
D. 加权平均期限用于衡量目标区域信贷资产的期限结构
A. 评价标准是绩效评价的三大要素之-
B. 评价标准是评价工作的基本准绳和前提
C. 评价标准可以划分为定量标准和定性标准两类
D. 评价标准是主观评判评价对象的衡量尺度
听音频:{MP3:/imgcache/attached/media/20140521/20140521112102_0339.mp3} 根据所听到的内容,回下列各题。
A. Buy his daughter new shoes.
B. Listen to his daughters music
C. Respect his daughters opinion.
D. Have a passion on music.
A.He suffered from heart faiinre and (tied.B.He won three awards alter his death
A. He suffered from heart faiinre and (tied.
B. He won three awards alter his death.
C. His plays were writ-ten based on his own life.
D. He was a victim of the American system.
A.She is selling mobile phones.B.She is selling office equipment.C.She
A. She is selling mobile phones.
B. She is selling office equipment.
C. She is purchasing electronic products.
D. She is employed in an electronics company.