

A. 劳动合同依法订立即具有法律约束力
B. 劳动合同自鉴证之日起生效
C. 劳动合同自公证之日起生效
D. 劳动合同自当事人签字之日起生效



A. 涉及国家机密的
B. 涉及商业秘密的
C. 涉及个人隐私的
D. 涉及未成年人犯罪的

4.Which of the following is implied but not stated?

A. Pupils can use computers to do their homework.
B. Advanced techniques may bring both benefits and harms to our society.
C. The distinction between micros and mainframes has become blurred.
D. A great variety of information sources are available on computer networks.

10.We have used molecular computers to solve more sophisticated problems successfully.

It may be implied in the passage that ______.

A. hardware is more important than software
B. hardware is less important than software
C. hardware is as important as software
D. Hardware is more expensive than software
