A. 在详细审计阶段,注册会计师审计目标是查错防弊
B. 在资产负债表审计阶段,查错防弊这一目标依然存在,但已退居第二位,审计的功能从防护性发展到公正性
C. 在会计报表审计阶段,审计目标不再局限于查错防弊和为社会提出公证,而是向管理领域有所深入和发展
D. 在会计报表审计阶段,注册会计师审计目标是判定被审计单位一定时期内的会计报表是否公允地反映其财务状况和经营业绩,以及所采用的会计政策和会计处理方法是否符合企业会计准则
E. A,B,C,D各项都不对
The passage suggests that which of the following is a function likely to be performed by an oligosaccharin?
A. To stimulate a particular plant cell to become part of a plant’s root system
B. To stimulate the walls of a particular cell to produce other oligosaccharins
C. To activate enzymes that release specific chemical messengers from plant cell walls
D. To duplicate the gene complement in a particular plant cell
E. To produce multiple effects on a particular subsystem of plant cells