
Choose the six things you should include in a cover letter. (选择求职信中需要包含的六个项目)

A. Which job you are applying for and how you found out about the vacancy
Brief biographical details
C. Your experience and personal qualities related to the job
D. Your negative personal qualities
E. Your motivation for applying
F. Why you left your previous job
G. Your salary expectations
H. A complete list of your exam results and qualifications
I. What you can offer the company if they give you the job
J. What other documents you are attaching or enclosing with the letter




A. 既不注重良好的气氛,也不注意工作效率的提高
B. 在注重良好的气氛和关心员工生活的同时,也非常注意工作效率的提高
C. 虽不大注重良好的气氛,但却非常注意工作效率的提高
D. 注重良好的气氛,关心员工的生活,较少注意工作效率的提高

有些人从某一职位退下来后,常抱怨“人走茶凉”,这反映了他们过去在单位中拥有的职权是一种 ( ) 。

A. 专长权
B. 个人影响权
C. 信息权
D. 法定权

领导者有意分散领导权, 给下属以极大的自由度, 只是检查工作成果, 不主动做指导除非下属有要求,这种领导类型属于 () 。

A. 专断型领导
B. 民主型领导
C. 自由型领导
D. 放任型领导
