compose, consist of, comprise & constitutePut the above words into the klank. Change the form where necessary.1. Seven days __________ a week.2. Concrete is __________ of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water.3. Fifty states __________ the United States.4. New York City __________ five boroughs.
Translate the following chinese into English based on what you have learned加入/卷入争论中断一场争论结束一场争论解决一场争论激烈的争论提出论点驳倒一个论点
recall, remember & remindPut the above words into the blank. Change the form where necessary.1. If I __________ it, please remind me.2.Try as I might, I could not __________ where I had left the book.3. __________ me to write to my Mom.4. I __________ her face but I cannot recall where I met her.5. I suddenly __________ I had left the book in the library.6. You must __________ this phone number. 7. This __________ me of last year.
sequence & seriesPut the above words into the blank. Change the form where necessary.1. Professor Li will give a __________ of lectures on the Middle East issue.2. I have a poor memory for dates and often mix up the __________ of events.3. Your argument lacks logical __________, for your second point does not follow the first.4. The post office has issued a __________ of stamps commemorating the Olympic Games.
Translate the following Chinese into English based what you have learned讨厌至极的人/事讨厌得要命的家伙讨厌得令人无法忍受的人极惹人厌烦的事