
Translate the following phases (Unit 3 Part1)以…为基础;以…为根据 ____on sth.有固定的想法 have a ____idea很自然的认为 understand sth ____引入职业生涯 lead to a ____


How do some young people react to Odyssey years? (Unit 3 para6)Some react with ____attitudes and behavior toward their parents.

Why did they feel confused? (Unit 3 para6)Their confusion comes from the____to make parents understand them and the ____of discovery they need in this phase of their lives.

Translate:虽然他们理解从学生到成年需要一个过渡阶段,但看到他 们已成年子女的过渡阶段的生活与他们的期望渐行渐远,过渡阶段延至五年,七年,甚至更长时,他们感到生气。•They may ____a transition phase from student life to adult life, but they get upset when they see the transition of their grown children's lives moving away from their expectations and ____five years to seven years, and____. (Unit 3 para7)

•How do their parents feel? (Unit 3 para7)•Their parents are feeling ____, they get upset and even____.
