
ProfessorDonaldBroom,the Colleen Macleod Professor of Animal Welfare at Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cambridge University,hasdefinedanimalwelfareas:"Itsstateasregardsitsattemptstocopewithits_________________.Thisstateincludeshowmuchitishavingtodotocope,theextenttowhichitissucceedinginorfailingtocope,anditsassociatedfeelings".


__________________ is the act of putting an animal to death or allowing it to die by withholding extreme medical measures.

Virtually every advance in medical science in the 20th century, from antibiotics and vaccines to antidepressant drugs and organ transplants, has been achieved either directly or indirectly through the use of __________ in laboratory experiments.


Respect for animal welfare is often based on the belief that non-human animals are __________ and that consideration should be given to their well-being or suffering, especially when they are under the care of humans.
