__________the rain has stopped, let’s continue to work.
A. For
B. Now that
C. That
D. Because
请用SQL语句创建Emp和Dept表,Emp(Eno, Ename, Eage, Salary, Deptno)Dept(Deptno, Dname, Phone, Loc)并存在以下约束。(1) Dept的主键是Deptno,Emp的主键是Eno。(2) Emp的外键是Deptno,被参考的关系是Dept。(3) Emp的 Eage取值在20~60之间,默认值为30。(4) Dept的Dname值唯一且非空。(5) Emp的Salary要求必须大于1000。
给定employee,创建该表的语句如下:CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE(Eno Char(8) Primary Key,Ename Varchar(10),Eage SmallintSalary Numeric(7,2),Deptno Char(4));试用触发器表示下列完整性约束:(1) 20≤Eage≤60;(2) Salary≤10000;(3) 当插入或者修改 一个职工记录的时候,如果工资低于1000元则自动改为1000元。PS:本题可以创建三个触发器也可以创建一个触发器,建议创建三个触发器完成该题。
Translate the following sentence from English to Chinese:What about calling him right away?
Translate the following sentence from English to Chinese:The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection.