[音频]I wanted very much to study the Western canon, because I knew nothing about it. Yes, McDonald’s ads and Madonna posters were 1______ on Shanghai streets, but few Western ideas 2______ through. We had been 3_______ Karl Marx’s habit of sitting at the same spot in the British Library, for instance, but had read none of his 4_____ words. Western civilization was different, mysterious and thus 5_____. Besides, because I 6______ to be accepted here, I 7______ to understand American society. What better way to 8______ it than to study the very ideas 9_______ it is based?
A. 伟大创造精神
B. 伟大奋斗精神
C. 伟大团结精神
D. 伟大梦想精神
下列选项中,体现了爱国主义情怀的有( )。
A. “美不美,家乡水;亲不亲,故乡人”
B. 遥望中原怀故土,静观落叶总归根
C. 乐以天下,忧以天下
D. 苟利社稷,死生以之
E. 公而忘私,国而忘家
[音频]But at 2 a.m., I was1_____ them all: Homer, Virgil, Herodotus and Plato. Their words were dull and the 2______ difficult to follow. The professors here do not teach in the same way that teachers in China do. Studying 3______ in China means memorizing all the “correct,” standard 4______ given during lectures. Here, professors ask 5_____ questions and let the students argue, research and write papers 6_________. At Yale, I often waited for the end-of-class “correct” answers, which never came.
[音频]Learning humanities was secure 1______ in China, but it was shaky 2 ______ here. And it could be even 3______ for me. The name Agamemnon was impossibly long to pronounce, and as a result I didn’t 4_______ it when we were discussing him in the 5_______. I had written my first English essay ever just a year earlier, when 6_______ colleges, and now came the papers 7_______ the canons. And I simply didn’t write in English fast enough to 8______ in classes.