

A. 目的是使血红蛋白恢复正常
B. 维生素B12可增强疗效
C. 多饮茶水,以有利于铁吸收
D. 禁用酸性药物
E. 小剂量开始,血红蛋白正常后再用铁剂3~6个月



A. 使用时剂量要准确
B. 作浅部肌内注射
C. 观察有无严重的过敏性克
D. 静脉注射时应避免药液外渗
E. 观察有无面部潮红、头痛、关节痛等副反应

I. Choose the BEST answer based on your comprehension of the text.

A. Because the hurricane wouldn’t be bad.
Because the family moved there not long ago.
C. Because he didnt take the matter in a serious way.
D. Because he didn't think the family was in any real danger.

2. When did the whole family feel in real trouble?

A. When the storm was overwhelming.
B. When the French doors blew in with an explosive sound.
C. When the front door was pushed open by a blast of water.
D. When the water tasted salty.

3. For what purpose did the author insert Paragraph 19 and 20 in the story?

A. To tell the reader how destructive Hurricane Camille was.
B. To describe what NHC had done with Hurricane Camille.
C. To provide evidence of the seriousness of natural disasters.
D. To build a suspense about what would happen to the family.
