
According to the survey of Stanford University, how do Internet addicted persons use computers?They spent too many weary(疲倦的) hours in (1) _____ ____, emailing, and (2) ________, ultimately taking valuable time away from things like (3) _________, (4) _________ even(5)_________. They are choosing to be on the Internet versus kind friends, versus interacting with somebody, versus having(6)__________.


What’s the expert’s suggestion to Internet addicts?It’s hard to deny that some Internet addicted people spend too much time on line and ignore family, friendships, and(7)___________.However, it’s not that they don’t have(8)__________ on the Internet or use it for its(9)________. It’s just not(10)_________ it.

关于精神病人的康复工作,以下哪项不对( )

A. 要病人、家庭成员、朋友、社会人士与医务人员的密切配合
B. 复措施必须贯彻在院外、院内的全部医疗过程中
C. 复措施必须延伸到社会中去
D. 须发展以社区为基础的康复
E. 我国,应逐渐放弃以医院为基地的康复

关于我国建立精神病防治康复工作体系,下列哪项说法不对( )

A. 要社会各界的重视和配合
B. 精神病院为主要基地
C. 要目的在于预防精神疾病,为病人提供及时和足够的医疗照顾
D. 立精神病防治康复的组织管理网络
E. 立业务实施系统,对初级卫生保健人员进行精神病学知识培训

下列哪项不是解决精神病人造成的家庭负担的可行方法( )

A. 行家庭干预
B. 全社区康复服务设施
C. 精神病人实行集中社会化管理
D. 立群众性互动组织
E. 精神病人进行劳动就业方面的训练
