对列入《国家限制进口的可用作原料的废物目录》中的任何废物,必须经国家环境保护总局审查批准,并取得《进口废物批准证书》方可进口。对于未取得《进口废物批准证书》的,可以先存放在保税仓库,待确定流向后再办理相应的通关手续。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
听力原文:M: This is your desk, and this is your time card. Be sure to clock in and out before and after you work.
W: I will.
M: One more thing. Keep your desk neat. It's the role.
W: I'll keep that in mind. Does everything on this desk belong to me?
M: You can use them as long as you work here. If you leave, you'll have to return them to the company.
What is the relationship between the two speakers?
A new comer and her boss.
B. A visitor and the host.
C. New friends.
A. 正确
B. 错误
运往境外修理的机械器具、运输工具或其他货物,出境时已向海关报明,并在海关规定期限内复运进境的,海关以境外修理费和料件费审查确定完税价格。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误