
实践标准之所以具有不确定性是因为( )

A. 任何实践都是有人的主观因素参与其中的活动
B. 任何实践都是人们在一定历史条件下进行的具体活动
C. 任何实践都是客观物质活动
D. 有些认识任何实践都无法检验其真伪


我国社会主义上层建筑的核心是( )

A. 马列主义指导
B. 共产主义理想
C. 社会主义精神文明
D. 人民民主专政的国家政权

社会革命的最深刻的根源是( )

A. 生产力和生产关系之间的矛盾
B. 剥削阶级和被剥削阶级之间的矛盾
C. 进步思想和落后思想之间的矛盾
D. 人口众多和资源贫乏之间的矛盾

Let's Talk Storage!COMPU-LIVING MONTHLYLet's Talk Storage!Computer technology grows rapidly. The capacity of data storage is no exception. Hard drives and storage devices improve all the time.Early computers relied on magnetic ( 1 ). Developers soon replaced these with more efficient ( 2 ) disks. However, these still had limited space. For a while, Zipdrives were a larger-capacity solution.Then CDs came along. These lightweight, inexpensive devices are easy to ( 3 ) and discard. DVDs have similar benefits, and hold much more ( 4 ). However, erasing and reprogramming these devices is often unreliable.Today, we have compact flash memory. Tiny flash drives hold more information than earlier devices, including DVDs. Unlike most DVDs and CDs, ( 5 ) drives are easily erasable.

There is some difference between “storage”and“memory”.

A. 对
B. 错
