
A.saferB.more safelyC.safetyD.more safety

A. safer
B. more safely
C. safety
D. more safety


5943 Alton Lane
Irvine, CA 91628
Office Services, Incorporated
Ms. Misato Sakai
1300 Lincoln Lane
San Francisco, CA 94043
Dear Ms. Sakai:
My boss recommended your company as the fastest at shipping office supplies. I work at RDA Company, and we urgently need some supplies. I hope that you can ship these items (147) .
We need two large desks, model 156A, one dark brown and the other black.
We also need two chairs for the new desks. We would like the colors to (148) the desks, so please send one dark brown and one black chair.
We need one new computer, model ABG439, with a medium-sized, flat-screen monitor. Please (149) two speakers.
We also need ten boxes of white, letter-sized paper.
Please send everything immediately. Our new employees need these supplies as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance.
Naser Abdelwali
Human Resources Director

A. quickly
B. quicker
C. quickest
D. quickness

The word "siblings" in paragraph 3, line 3, is closest in meaning to

A. classmates
B. brothers and sisters
C. teachers
D. friends and neighbors

Human Resources suggested that management undertake an incentive program. A plan was devised whereby every employee who arrived at work on time every day during the month of August would be eligible for a cash award. Within five days of the announcement, the number of late arrivals had declined to the lowest level the company had ever experienced. The company decided to extend the program so that employees who didn't miss any days of work for the rest of the year (exclusive of approved vacations) would also be eligible for a cash award. As a result, absenteeism declined dramatically. Stummering plans to continue the program into next year and is looking into making it permanent company policy. This successful program could easily be replicated at other companies. It worked for Stummering. It could work for you.
What was the problem at the Stummering Corporation?

A. Management
B. Absenteeism
C. Low pay
D. Unprofessional atmosphere

Which of the following could be one of the products?

A. Dishwashers
B. Calculators
C. Blood-pressure monitors
D. All-weather gloves
