
听力原文:W: Good morning.
M: Good morning.
W: I would want to know how to make out this cheque.
M: Right. Erm...do you want to draw out some money?
W: Yes, £2000.
M: £2000. OK. Well, the first thing you need to do, is to write today's date in the top right-hand comer where you see the line, at the top you write just today's date...and the year. You must put the year in. And ff you want to draw out money after it says pay...can you see over on the left-hand side?
W: The first line?
M: That's it. On the first line it says PAY and you write "CASH" afterwards.
W: In letters.
M: Yes. CASH, you write cash. OK. Then underneath that, fight underneath, you have to write the amount of money you want. So just two thousand pounds and then you write ONLY at the end in words. Then at the end of that line where you can see the box, see over on the right-hand side, you have to write the amount you want in numbers. And then underneath the box, the last thing you have to do in the bottom right-hand comer is just mite your signature.
W: Thank you very much.
M: OK. Bye-bye then.
W: Bye.

A. How to deposit money.
B. How to write a cheque.
C. How to calculate the interest rate.
D. How to open a current account.


Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
听力原文: There, Yale University professors agreed in a panel discussion to night that the automobile was what one of them called "Public Health Enemy No. 1" in this county. Besides polluting the air and conges ting the cities, automobiles could cause heart disease "because we don't walk anywhere any more," said Dr. H. P. Richard Weiner man, professor of medicine and public health. Dr. Weinerman's sharp indictment of the automobile came in a discussion of human environment on Yale Reports, a radio program broadcast by Station WTIC in Hartford, Connecticut. The program opened a three-part series on "Staying Alive". "For the first time in human history, the problem of man's survival has to do with his control of man-made hazards," Dr. Weinerman said. "Before this, the problem had been the control of natured hazards."

Americans are too attached to their cars.
B. American cars are too fast.
C. Automobiles endanger health.
D. Automobiles are the main pubic transportation tools of USA.

Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)
Bilingual education in New York City was originally viewed as a transitional program that would teach foreign-born children in their native languages until they were fluent enough in English to enter the educational mainstream. But over the last 25 years, bilingual programs at many schools have become foreign-language ghettos from which many children never escape. The need to expose foreign-born students to more English during the school day—and to move them as quickly as possible into the mainstream—was underscored this week in a pair of reports, one from Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's task force on bilingual education and one form. Schools Chancellor Harold Levy.
The push to reform. bilingual education has intensified across the country since the Silicon Valley millionaire Ron K. Unz championed a ballot initiative that ended bilingual education in California two years ago. Opponents of bilingual education want it replaced with the so-called immersion method, in which students are forced to "sink or swim" in classes taught entirely in English. Immersion has at least a chance of success in the early grades, where children are mainly being taught to read and write. But it is a recipe for failure in the upper grades, where older foreign-born students must simultaneously learn English and master complex subjects like math, science and literature.
Mayor Giuliani and Schools Chancellor Levy have wisely called for reforming special education instead of dismantling it. Both reports want to end the practice of dragooning children into the system, and call on administrators to offer parents a range of choices. Instead of automatically assigning students to bilingual classes—where they take subjects like mathematics and social studies in their native languages—parents would be allowed to choose other options, including the strategy of English as a second language, in which most instruction is offered in English. Children would be moved into the mainstream as quickly as possible, preferably within three years.
But these sensible reforms have little chance of succeeding unless the city and the state act quickly to train and recruit teachers who can perform. the needed task. Nearly 30 percent of bilingual instructors are uncertified. Some have not even mastered the languages they have been hired to teach. True reform. will require dollars, determination and a qualified teacher in every classroom.
Which word can best describe the author's attitude to the two reports frequently mentioned?

A. Supportive.
B. Negative.
C. Indifferent.
D. Objective.

W.E.B. Du Bois was not only one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), but also organized First Pan African Congress in 1919.

A. Y
B. N

According to the passage, pessimists believe that______.

A. the future of the world will be better and better
B. technological advances will destroy the human race at last
C. human technological advances axe useless in people's life
D. there is no need to develop technology
