When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger ______ his good sense and hit the
A. got the feel of
B. got the hang of
C. got the better of
D. got the worst of
What conclusion can you reach according to the passage?
A. Smoking is usually associated with poverty.
B. Smoking is not as unhealthy as it seems.
C. Smoking is the students’ best pastime.
D. Cambridge ranks No. 1 in smoking in Britain, with an average resident here smoking 25 cigarettes a day.
在窗体上画一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下通用过程和命令按钮的事件过程: Private
A. 11
B. 10
C. 9
D. 8
Which of the following is NOT tree of Andrea Doria?
A. The ship was luxuriously decorated.
B. The ship was carrying several million dollars.
C. The ship had some precious sculptures on board.
D. The ship has attracted a lot of treasure hunters ever since its sinking.
假定在窗体(名称为Form1)的代码窗口中定义如下记录类型: Private Type animal animalName As
A. 记录类型animal不能在Form1中定义,必须在标准模块中定义
B. 如果文件c:\vbTest.dat不存在,则Open命令执行失败
C. 由于Put命令中没有指明记录号,因此每次都把记录写到文件的末尾
D. 语句“Put #1, , rec”将animal类型的两个数据元素写到文件中