商业银行通常采取提取损失准备金和冲减利润的方式来应对和吸收预期损失,采用资本金来应对非预期损失,通过保险手段来转移规模巨大的灾难性损失。 ()
分析企业的盈利能力时,单纯地计算比率指标是不全面的,还必须从其他角度对利润加以综合考虑。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
交易过程中,结算系统发生故障导致结算失败,可能造成交易成本上升,但不会导致银行信用风险。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 养老、医疗、失业、工伤、生育等覆盖的范围不断扩大,社保基金的支撑能力逐步增强
B. 初步建立了以城市低保、农村五保、农村特困户救助、灾民救助为基础,临时救助为补充,医疗、教育、住房、司法等专项救助相衔接,政策优惠和社会互助相配套的城乡社会救助体系框架
C. 初步形成了以家庭为基础、社区为依托、供养机构为补充,老年人、残疾人和孤儿为重点的社会福利服务体系,慈善事业进入政府全面推动的新阶段
D. 基本完成下岗再就业工程
Gregory Rodriguez, a fellow at the New America Foundation, says it is wrong to measure assimilation against impossible standards. Immigrants have always taken time to move into the mainstream, both geographically and culturally. And assimilation has always been a two-way process, with each new wave of immigrants contributing something to what it means to be American, from Jewish humor to German beer. The proper measure of assimilation is not whether ethnic groups have cut their ties to their homeland completely, but whether they have put down roots in the United States. Mr. Rodriguez argues that if you look at the four most important measures of "roots" — citizenship, home ownership, language acquisition and intermarriage -- then assimilation is going on much as it always has.
Much of what Mr. Rodriguez has to say is common sense. The United States is the most culturally powerful nation in the world, striking terror into chauvinists from Paris to Tehran; it is hardly surprising that it should be able to absorb people within its own borders, particularly since most people come to the United States with the express purpose of getting ahead. It is perhaps not surprising either that nativists should ignore common sense; at bottom, much of their objection to immigration is based on race. But why multiculturalists should seek to deny the obvious is a subject worthy of study in itself.
The nativists think that ______.
A. immigrants can no longer be brought into mainstream America
B. mainstream America refuses to assimilate immigrants any more
C. immigrants will eventually be assimilated into mainstream America
D. assimilation ironically strengthens cultural identities of immigrants