听力原文:How long have you been with that company?
About four years.
B. Last year.
C. Three years ago.
D. In 1998.
听力原文:Why not go out for a walk?
A. I have no idea.
B. That won't do.
C. Good idea.
D. Here we are.
听力原文:M: Jane, can you get the report ready this afternoon?
W: No problem. You can take it with you to the meeting.
Q: What do we know about the man?
A. He's going to attend a meeting.
B. He's going to solve a problem.
C. He's going to write a report.
D. He's going to help the woman.
听力原文:May I take your order, sir?
A. Yes, you may.
B. I'd like to buy a shirt.
C. Yes, I'd like a chicken.
D. It's wonderful.
(1) 1998年1月1日,经批准发行两年期一次还本付息的公司债券,面值总额为6000000元,票面年利率为6%,实际发行价格为6160000元,发行债券筹集资金用于某建设项目。债券溢价采用直线法摊销。为简化核算,建设项目完工交付使用时计提债券利息并摊销债券溢价;建设项目交付使用后,每年年末计提债券利息并摊销债券溢价。甲公司购买了H公司发行债券总额的25%。
(2) 1998年7月1日,借款建设项目完工交付使用。
(3) 2000年1月1日,由于H公司发生财务困难,无法支付到期债券款项。经与甲公司协商,于2000年1月1日进行债务重组,债务重组协议如下:
(1) 为简化核算,不考虑购入债券时所发生的税金、手续费等相关费用。
(2) 长期债券投资溢价采用直线法摊销,每年年末计提债券利息并摊销债券溢价。
A. 88000
B. 72000
C. 108000
D. 90000