Lesson 7 短听力选择-9[音频]
A. de-icing system failed
B. anti-icing system malfunctioned
C. de-icing truck is out of service
D. weather ahead is deteriorating
Lesson 21 短听力选择-2[音频]
A. Deviation to the right to circumnavigate the bad weather
B. offset left to go round the weather
C. Deviation to the left to avoid the build-up
Descend immediately to detour the CB
Lesson 9 短听力选择-7[音频]
A. Negative
B. Affirm
C. Unknown
D. Not mentioned
Lesson 9 短听力选择-10[音频]
A. Radio antenna is broken
B. .Weather radar is out of service
C. Anti-ice system is unserviceable
De-icing system failed