The outer layer of the pleura is called ______
A. parietal pleura
B. mediastinum
C. visceral pleura
D. diaphragm
The cycle of _____ really begins when the phrenic nerves stimulate the diaphragm to contract and flatten.
A. respiration
B. hematopoiesis
C. swallowing
D. emulsification
Oxygen is carried in the blood bound to ______ in red blood cells.
A. hemoglobin
B. bilirubin
C. enzyme
D. plasm
Too little carbon dioxide in the blood can lead to a condition called ___
A. alkalosis
B. acidosis
C. mental poisoning
D. plumbism
Which one of the followings cannot stop foreign particles from entering the respiratory system?
A. tiny cilia in the bronchial cells
B. rapid muscle contraction
C. bronchial tube constriction
D. enlargement of the chest