What example does the author give to explain how AI systems work?The author uses sensors in a farmer’s field as an example. The sensors could ________ the soil and weather, and then give an AI system the data it needs to determine the best time to water and fertilize the crops.
How will children go to school in the future?They may go to school in cars that will drive them there ____________ and in time.
How will children get their food for lunch?They will get their lunch with the help of a _______ in their eyeglasses that suggests a few meal options and then automatically places an order for them.
If a child feels sick at school, will he or she need to go to the hospital? Why or why not?No. Because tiny robots in their bloodstream may send information about their internal systems to a medical AI. The AI would then analyze their _________ and determine an appropriate treatment.
A. 肺炎链球菌
B. 大肠杆菌
C. 流感嗜血杆菌
D. 支原体