
While Facebook remains the most popular ____(society) media site, its growth has gradually slowed down.


One of the first flight training lessons taught to student pilots is how to perform an ____ (emergent) landing in a small airplane.

When you read the newspaper, you’re probably not reading it word-by-word, instead you’re ____(scan) the text.

In one of my first articles ____(publish) on LinkedIn, I wrote about the importance of public speaking to every leader.

A2 题型 女33岁,闭经,尿妊娠试验阳性,孕59天流产,主要症状是

A. 阴道流血和腹痛
B. 尿妊娠试验阴性
C. 子宫与孕周相等
D. 宫颈扩张
E. 妊娠反应消失
