
From: hr@gxstore.com To: staff@gxsotre.com Subject: Company Outing Date: March 13 Dear valued employees, On the company Intranet, you should have read a notice about the company outing, which will be held on March 20 at 9: 00 A.M. at the Kensington Park. Some of you have had questions, so Id like to clarify a few details. - Lunch and beverages will be provided to your family. You can bring your own lunch box, but please inform. our department so we dont buy too much food. - Shuttle bus transportation will be provided from our corporate headquarters parking area to the Kensington Park between 8: 00 A.M. and 8: 40 A.M.. The shuttle buses will make return trips between 6: 00 P.M. and 6: 30 P.M.. - For those who wish to drive separately, directions to the Kensington Park are attached to this message. We hope to see you there! Margaret Miller Human Resources
What is the purpose of the e-mail?

A. To ask employees to read the company Intranet
B. To inform. employees of a change of event venue
C. To provide additional information about an event
D. To ask employees to use their own vehicles



A. 理论创新
B. 制度创新
C. 体制创新
D. 改革开放


A. 劳动防护用品
B. 安全防护用具和安全防护服装
C. 安全防护用品
D. 个人防护用品

东升贸易公司与国外某公司签订了一份仿古家具出口合同,随后与全友家具厂签订了加工家具合同。合同规定:由东升公司提供所需木材和图纸,并约定加工期为每批木材运到后的三个月。同时,东升公司与远大公司订立木材购销合同,合同约定:远大公司向东升公司供应规定规格的木材若干方,分三批交货;全部木材运到后10日内付款。远大公司于201 3年3月7日将第一批木材通过铁路发往东升公司所在城市,并电邮告知东升公司装运日期。木材运到后,东升公司及时提货、验收并交给全友家具厂。全友家具厂因仓库拥挤,将部分木材放在临近小学的操场上,由该小学无偿代为保管。3日后,该小学失火,木材全部被焚毁。而此时,东升公司得知远大公司发运的第二批木材在运输途中也因失火被焚毁。 1.如果存放在小学操场上的木材失火是因不可抗力造成的,这部分损失由谁承担?为什么? 2.如果火灾是因为小学将木材与易燃物堆放在一起造成的,这部分损失由谁承担?为什么? 3.如果远大公司发运的第二批木材是因为雷击失火被焚毁的,依据买卖合同风险负担规则,这批货物灭失的风险由谁承担?为什么? 4.如果远大公司发运的第二批木材的失火原因无法查明,这批货物的损失最终由谁承担?为什么?


A. 民事制裁
B. 行政制裁
C. 刑事制裁
D. 行政处分
