1992年7月1日开工的自_____至 _____的地铁于1999年9月建成通车,人称“_____”。
With No.1 and No.2 alternators running in parallel and the kW loads equally shared, one alternator is drawing much higher current than the otherWhat does this indicate?
A. The alternators are not generating the same voltages and should be adjusted on automatic voltage regulator rheostats
B. Alternator frequencies are different and should be adjusted on the governor speed controllers
C. Alternators are out of phase and should be tripped and paralleled again
D. One alternator has lost one of its phases
八达岭高速公路全长 _____公里,沿途共建桥梁_____座,其中特大桥梁---八达岭高架天桥长_____米,全程开凿隧道_____处,最长的潭浴口隧道全长_____米。
A. 唇痈
B. 小腿丹毒
C. 下颌蜂窝织炎
D. 疖病
E. 深部脓肿