
Email Announcement Weekly
University libraries to be closed for day on Friday
All university libraries will be closed from 8 a. m. to l p. m. on Friday (Aug. 10). The clo-sure will allow librarians to complete various tasks to prepare for the coming fall term. Library usersare asked to change their study or research plans around this short closure.
Bring your old films to Home Movie Day
Find your old home movies and bring them to Home Movie Day from l-5 p. m. Saturday (Aug. ll). The free event at WILL ' s Campbell Hall, 300 N. Goodwin, includes a clinic on ca- ring for old films and continuous showing of movies brought in by students like you.
Sponsors(主办者) are WILL and the U of C Library.
Ireland garden tour set for June 2008
The public is invited to join Illinois Master Gardeners on a trip to visit popular public gardens and castles in Ireland. The tour (June 2-12 , 2008) also includes several personal gardens as well as free time to find more. Bookings due Sept. 15. For trip introduction and booking information, please visit http ://www. travels. uiui. edu/mg/.
72. To whom is the first email announcement probably sent?
[ A] International tourists.
[ B] University people.
[ C] The general public.
[ D] Movie lovers.


Where is Chan ' s flat?
[ A] Next to a big house.
[ B ] Under an old building.
[ C] in a busy London street.
[ D] By the side of a country road.

What can we learn about the peach-tasting group in the last paragraph?
[A]They were experts on marketing.
[B] They took home golden peaches.
[C] They agreed about the taste of peaches.
[D] They said they would buy the red peaches.

R1, R2 是一个自治系统中采用 RIP 路由协议的两个相邻路由器, R1 的路由表如下图 (A ) 所示,当 R1收到 R2 发送的如下图 (B ) 的〔 V, D ) 报文后, RI 更新的四个路由表项中距离值从上到下依次为

A. 0 、 4 、 2 、 3
B. 0 、 4 、 3 、 3
C. 0 、 5 、 3 、 3
D. 0 、 5 、 3 、 4

● 某车间需要用一台车床和一台铣床加工 A、B、C、D 四个零件。每个零件都需要先用车床加工,再用铣床加工。车床和铣床加工每个零件所需的工时(包括加工前的准备时间以及加工后的处理时间)如下表。
若以 A、B、C、D 零件顺序安排加工,则共需 29 小时。适当调整零件加工顺序,可产生不同实施方案,在各种实施方案中,完成四个零件加工至少共需 (69) 小时。

A. 25
B. 26
C. 27
D. 28
