报关员遗失报关员证件,应在规定的期限内向海关申请补发;在申请补发证件期间可以办理报关业务。 ()
A. 盈亏平衡
B. 敏感性
C. 项目风险大小
D. 概率
A. 正确
B. 错误
共同海损指载货运输船舶在航运中遭到自然灾害或者意外事故,危及船、人、货等共同安全,船方为了维护船、货等的共同安全,有意识地合理地采用抢救措施所直接造成的某些特殊牺牲或者支出的额外费用。共同海损的损失应该由相关的利害关系方平均分摊。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
Roles affect us as sets of norms that define our duties the actions others can legitimately insist that we perform, and our fight the actions we can legitimately insist that others perform. Every role has at least one reciprocal role attached to it; the fights of one role are the duties of the other role. As we have noted, we have a social niche for the sick. Sick people have fights our society says they do not have to function in usual ways until they get well. But sick people also have the duty to get well and "not enjoy themselves too much." The sick role also entails an appeal to another party the physician. The physician must perceive the patient as trying to get well this is the physician’s right and the patient’s duty. And the patient must see the doctor as sincere the patient’s fight and the physician’s duty. It should come as no surprise that the quality of medical care falters when patient and physician role expectations break down.
One way that people are linked in groups is through networks of reciprocal roles. Role relationships tie us to one another because the rights of one end of the relationship are the duties of the other. People experience these stable relationships as social structure a hospital, a college, a family, a gang, an army, and so on.
If your are a patient, you take on all the following roles EXCEPT the role as______.
A. a friend of your fellow patients
B. a staff member of the hospital
C. the receiver of the treatment
D. a buyer of medicines