The pitch of a propeller is a measure of the().
A. angle that the propeller makes with a free stream of water
B. angle that the propeller makes with the surface of the water
C. number of feet per revolution the propeller is designed to advance in still water without slip
D. positive pressure resulting from the difference of the forces on both sides of the moving propeller in still water without sli
A. 全天一次
B. 上午一次
C. 下午一次
D. 上、下午各一次,间隔6小时
E. 上、中、下午各一次,共三次
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 邮政银行存折账户
B. 邮政银行卡账户
C. 外行卡账户
D. 外行存折账户