Which maintenance functions can a GMDSS Radio Operator perform().
A. The Operator can make fine internal adjustments to the transmitter as long as the output power does not change by more than one percent
B. The Operator is responsible for ensuring that INMARSAT antennas are free of built-up soot and clear of obstacles
C. All levels of maintenance must be performed by a licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer
D. The Operator may install an EPROM in order to ensure that the equipment continues to operate within legal constraint
A. 平均收益率
B. 无风险收益率
C. 超额收益率
D. 个别收益率
A. 现金
B. 以本国货币定值,并以此通货对中央政府或中央银行融通资金的债权
C. 对OECD成员国或对国际货币基金组织达成与其借款总安排相关的特别贷款协议的国家的中央政府或中央银行的其他债权
D. 用现金或者OECD国家中央政府债券做担保,或由OECD国家的中央政府提供担保的贷款