A. 电脑联网
B. 手工出单
C. 实时管理
D. 电脑出单
A. 应税消费品连同包装物一同销售,包装物若是单独计价,不应并入应税消费品的销售额中征收消费税
B. 如果包装物不作价随同销售,而是收取押金,此押金也一律并入应税消费品销售额中征收消费税
C. 对逾期未收回的包装物不再退还的和已收取一年的押金,应计入应税消费品的销售额中征收消费税
D. 对既作价,又另外收取包装物押金,纳税人在规定的期限内不予退还的,均应并入应税消费品的销售额中征收消费税
A. 路拦
B. 交通锥
C. 横向缓冲区
D. 临时标线
A loaded hopper barge with independent tanks has a placard,with alternating red and white quadrants,on each side and end. Which statement concerning this barge is TRUE?()
A. The cargo will spontaneously ignite if released to the atmosphere
B. You must operate this barge as a lead barge
C. The barge should be spotted as far away from the towboat as possible
D. The barge must be in a protected position within the tow