A. 循序渐进、科学锻炼
B. 全面锻炼、注重实效
C. 明确目的、自觉锻炼
D. 适宜负荷、因人而异
E. 坚持经常、持之以恒
F. 注意营养、讲究卫生
A. 就汪某对乙公司的支付行为,管理人不得主张撤销
B. 汪某目前尚未缴纳的出资额应为150万元
C. 管理人有义务要求汪某履行出资义务
D. 汪某就其未履行的出资义务,可主张诉讼时效抗辩
Which two statements about forwarding equivalence class (FEC) are true?()
A. FEC might correspond to a destination IP subnet, but it might also correspond to any traffic class that the edge LSR considers significant.
B. FEC is a group of IP packets that is forwarded over a different path, but with the same forwarding treatment.
C. FEC is a group of IP packets that is forwarded over the same path, and with the same forwarding treatment.
D. FEC is a group of IP packets that is forwarded over a different path, but with the different forwarding treatment.
E. FEC is a group of IP packets that is forwarded over the same path, but with a different forwarding treatment