A. 氯化钾
B. 氯化钠
C. 氯化钙
D. 碘酸盐
A. 警告
B. 开除党籍
C. 严重警告
D. 记过
E. 撤销党内职务
F. 留党察看
What is a global command?()
A. a command that is set once and affects the entire router
B. a command that is implemented in all foreign and domestic IOS versions
C. a command that is universal in application and supports all protocols
D. a command that is available in every release of IOS, regardless of the version or deployment status
E. a command that can be entered in any configuration mode
2015年1月1日,历经10年修改、4次审议的,有着“经济宪法”之称的预算法,正式开始实施。随着中国经济发展进入新常态,财政收入由年度2位数增长进入1位数增长的新阶段,在“钱袋子”增速放缓的新常态下,要更充分发挥财政资金效能。下列选项能实现这一效果的是() ①有保有压,优化财政支出结构 ②扩大财源,适度提高财政赤字 ③量入为出,全面缩减各项支出 ④盘活存量,杜绝财政资金闲置
A. ①②
B. ②④
C. ①③
D. ①④