Tile best title for this passage would be______.
A. [A] Jobs wanted
B. [B] One secretary
C. [C] Computer Salesclerk
A. 将附件名称加上书名号
B. 在附件名称后面加上书名号和句号
C. 在附件名称后面加上书名号和分号
D. 保持原样不变
It's getting dark. Please the light.
A. [A] turn on
B. [B] turn off
C. [C] turn down
A. 群众对村干部工作进行监督
B. 群众讨论决定村办公益事务
C. 村财务公开
D. 村干部依法宣传、贯彻计划生育政策
I spent ages trying to fix it, but gave up in despair()
A. hopelessly
B. destructively
C. despite
D. at last