Which of the following signs or symptoms would be of least importance when the nurse evaluates the client for postoperative peripheral nerve damage
A. Pain.
C. Altered sensation.
D. Pulselessness.
The nurse is caring a client in an acute care mental health program. The client refuses his morning dose of an oral antipsychotic medication and believes he’s being poisoned. What should the nurse do
A. Crushing the medication and putting it in his food.
B. Consulting with the physician about a plan of care.
C. Administering the medication by injection.
D. Omitting the dose and trying again the next day.
A client who was found huddled in her apartment by the police is admitted to the clinic. The client stares toward one corner of the room and seems to be responding to something not visible to others. She appears hyperalert and scared. Which of the following conclusion by the nurse is most appropriate according to the situation
A. Nothing is wrong because the client isn’t a threat to society.
B. The client is malingering.
C. The client may be hallucinating.
D. The client is suicidal.
A 34-year-old client is 34 weeks pregnant and is experiencing bleeding caused by placenta previ
A. a. The fetal heart sounds are normal and the client isn’t in labor. Which of the following nursing interventions should be of priorityA. Monitor the amount of vaginal blood loss.B. Allow the client to ambulate with assistance.C. Perform a vaginal examination to cheek for cervical dilation.D. Notify the physician for a fetal heart rate of 130 beats/minut
Which of the following laboratory tests should be monitored closely by the nurse while the client is receiving heparin therapy
A. International normalized ratio (INR).
B. Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT).
C. Prothrombin time (PT).
D. Thrombin tim