
乙公司2009年9月30日银行存款日记账余额为149300元,银行发来的对账单余额为162500元。经核对发现以下未达账项: (1)委托银行代收的销货款8000元,银行已收到入账,但企业尚未收到银行收款通知书。 (2)企业于月末交存银行的转账支票16400元,银行尚未入账。 (3)银行代扣企业借款利息1800元,企业尚未收到付款通知。 (4)企业于月末开出转账支票20000元,持票人尚未到银行办理转账手续。 银行存款余额调节表 2009年9月30日(单位:元) 项目 余额 项目 金额 企业账面存款余额 149300 银行对账单存款余额 162500 加:银行已记增加,企业尚未入账的款项 E 加:企业已记增加,银行尚未入账的款项 H 减:银行已记减少,企业尚未入账的款项 F 减:企业已记减少,银行尚未入账的款项 I 调节后的余额 G 调节后存款余额 J [要求] 根据上述资料,回答下列问题: 字母E和F的金额分别为( )元。

A. 8000、1800
B. 1800、8000
C. 16400、20000
D. 2000、16400


当路由器收到报文的MTU大于该路由器将要发出接口的最大MTU时,路由器将采取的策略是 (39) 。

A. 丢掉该分组
B. 将该分组分片
C. 直接转发该分组
D. 向源路由器发出请求,减小其分组大小

天台宗以口念“南无阿弥陀佛”为修行方式,以往生西方极乐世界为宗旨,是最简便的法门,故在民间影响最大。( )P83

A. 对
B. 错

Bluetooth is a universal radio interface in the (71) frequency hand that enables portable electronic devices to connect and communicate wirelessly via short-range, ad hoc networks. Each unit can simultaneously communicate with up to (72) other units per piconet. Moreover, each unit can simultaneously (73) to several piconets. Eliminates the need for wires, cables and connectors for and between cordless or mobile phones, modems, headsets, PDAs, Computers, printers, projectors, local area networks, and so on, and paves the way for new and completely different devices and applications. Technology Characteristics (74) symbol rate exploits maximum available (75) bandwidth。

A. 1.95GHz
B. 2.45GHz
C. 4.45GHz
D. 11.45GHz

(66) is used to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the two end points in the private network. (67) , an application-layer protocol, authenticates each peer in an IPsec transaction. IKE negotiates security policy, determining which algorithm may be used to set up the tunnel. It also handles the exchange of session keys used for that one transaction. Networks that use (68) to secure data traffic can automatically authenticate devices by using (69) , which verify the identities of the two users who are sending information back and forth. IPsec can be ideal way to secure data in large networks that require secure connections among many devices. Users deploying IPsec can (70) their network infrastructure without affecting the applications on individual computer. The protocol suite is available as a software-only upgrade to the network infrastructure. This alows security to be implemented without costly changes to each computer. Most important, IPsec allows interoperability among different network devices, PCs and other computing systems.

A. characteristics
B. associated links
C. digital certificates
D. attributes
