
Certain antibiotics are formulated into powders and granules and reconstituted with purified water immediately before dispensing to the patient because _______.

A. they exhibit high bioavailability in solid dosage form
B. they are not stable enough in aqueous solution to withstand long shelf-lives
C. they have poor solubility in water
D. they undergo significant degradation in solid dosage form


The underlined part in “hydrophilic” means_____.

A. loving
B. fearing
C. neutral
D. degradable

The underlined part in “hydroalcoholic” means_____.

A. hydrogen
B. water
C. hydrate
D. ethanol

Which of the following statements about package insert in NOT TRUE?

A. It provides very detailed information about the drug.
B. The information on package insert is provided by the drug manufacturer.
C. The information on package insert is approved by a regulatory agency such as FDA.
D. It includes all the possible uses of the drug.

Generic name is the name for _________.

A. active ingredient
B. the whole drug product
C. excipient
D. chemical structure
