The reception of weak radio signals may be improved by“opening up”the squelch control.What
A. Just past the point where background noise is cut off
B. Completely closed with the volume at the highest level
Completely open with the volume at the lowest level
D. None of the above
A. 省公司收费处省公司
B. 分公司收费部分公司
C. 监控分中心监控分中心
A. 无社会影响,无人员伤亡、事故原因明晰
B. 无重大社会影响、无人员伤亡、事故原因明晰
C. 无社会影响,无人员死亡、事故原因明晰
D. 无重大社会影响、无人员死亡、事故原因明晰