
A customer has requested an initial proposal for two x346s to be used as file servers. They feel that using a direct attached DS4300 with ten 146GB drives will be more than sufficient storage space. They do not currently own any IBM equipment. An answer to which of the following questions would be of greatest benefit when looking to enhance the offering at minimal expense and ensure a good end user experience?()

A. Has a SATA drive expansion enclosure been considered for the DS4300?
B. Is there a concern for overall disk subsystem I/O performance?
C. Has an IBM Director Server been considered to monitor the environment?
D. What will their storage requirements be over the next 12 months?





A. 薄膜覆盖或砂浆覆盖法
B. 挂网或挂网抹面法
C. 喷射混凝土或混凝土护面法
D. 土袋或砌石压坡法


A. 应由生产产品负担的职工薪酬,计人产品成本
B. 应由在建工程负担的职工薪酬,计入建造固定资产的开发成本
C. 管理人员的职工薪酬,计入管理费用
D. 销售人员的职工薪酬,计入销售费用
