Which of the commands below would you enter if you wanted to see the configuration register of your router?()
A. show boot
B. show flash
C. show register
D. show version
E. show config
A. 20
B. 21
C. 21.5
D. 22
A system is being planned with three production partitions, one each for an IBM i, AIX standard edition, and Power Linux applications. One fibre-channel attached TS3100 tape library will be shared between the partitions for backup. Which solution provides tape library sharing with minimum operator intervention?()
A. Configure VIO Server Express Edition to control the tape library through one fibre channel card.Assign the library to the production partitions when needed.
B. Configure the IBM i partition to own the tape library.Use IBM i virtualization to host a virtual tape library connection to the AIX and Linux partition.Assign the library to the production partitions when needed.
Configure a fibre channel card for each partition, and a configure fibre switch.Connect the partitions and tape library to the switch.Zone the switch so all partitions can enable the tape when needed and disable the tape when finished.
D. Configure AIX to control the tape library through one fibre channel adapter.Use AIX virtualization to host a virtual tape library connection to the IBM i and Linux partitions.Assign the library to the production partitions when needed.
A. 北宫
B. 未央宫
C. 兴乐宫