

A. 用水实行计量收费和超定额累进加价制度
B. 国家对用水实行定额控制和统一管理相结合的制度
C. 县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门或者流域管理机构应当根据批准的水量分配方案和年度预测来水量,制定年度水量分配方案和调度计划,实施水量统一调度
D. 直接从江河、湖泊或者地下取用水资源的单位和个人,应当按照国家取水许可制度和水资源有偿使用制度的规定,向水行政主管部门或者流域管理机构申请领取取水许可证,并缴纳水资源费,取得取水权



A. 新区建设绿地率不应低于30%,旧区改建不宜低于25%
B. 应根据居住区不同的规划布局形式,设置相应的中心公共绿地
C. 旧区绿地总指标的改造可酌情降低,但不得低于相应指标的60%
D. 组团内公共绿地的总指标应不低于0.5/人

Fishing typically does not need land ownership, and because it remains, generally, open to all, it is often the employer of last resort in the developing world—an occupation when there are no other choices. Worldwide, about 200 million people rely on fishing for their livelihoods. Within Southeast Asia alone, over five million people fish full-time. In northern Chile forty percent of the population lives off the ocean. In Newfoundland most employment came from fishing or servicing that industry—until the collapse of the cod fisheries in the early 1990s that left tens of thousands of people out of work.
Though debates over the conservation of natural resources are often cast as a conflict between jobs and the environment, the restoration of fish populations would in fact boost employment. Michael P. Sissenwine and Andrew A. Rosenberg of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service have estimated that if depleted species were allowed to rebuild to their long-term potential, their sustainable use would add about $ 8 billion to the U. S. gross domestic product—and provide about 300,000 jobs. If fish populations were restored and properly managed, about twenty million metric tons could be added to the world's annual catch. But restoration of ecological balance, fiscal profitability (收益) and economic security will require a continual reduction in the capacity of the commercial fishing industry so that wild populations can recover.
The necessary reductions in fishing workforce need not come at the expense of jobs. Governments could increase employment and reduce the pressure on fish populations by guiding subsidies away from highly mechanised ships. For each $1,000,000 of investment, industrial-scale fishing operations require only one to five people, while small-scale fisheries would employ between 60 and 3,000. Industrial fishing itself threatens tens of millions of fishermen working on a small scale by depleting the fish on which they depend for subsistence.
The animal source which provides the most protein for human being is______.

A. beef
B. fish
C. pork
D. chicken

Part A
Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
"Family" is of course an elastic word. And in different countries it has different meanings. But when British people say that their society is based on family life, they are thinking of "family" in its narrow, peculiarly European sense of mother, father and children living together in their own house as an economic and social unit. Thus, every British marriage indicates the beginning of a new and independent family—hence the tremendous importance of marriage in British life. For both man and woman, marriage means leaving one's parents and starting one's own life. The man's first duty will then be to his wife, and the wife's to her husband. He will be entirely responsible for her financial support, and she for the running of the new home. Their children will be their common responsibility and their alone. Neither the wife's parents nor the husband's, nor their brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles, have any right to interfere with them—they are their own masters.
Readers of novels like Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice will know that in former times, marriage among wealthy families were arranged by the girl's parents, that is, it was the parents' duty to find a suitable husband for their daughter, preferably a rich one, and by skillful encouragement to lead him eventually to ask their permission to marry her. Until that time, the girl was protected and maintained in the parents' home, and the financial relief of getting rid of her could be seen in their giving the newly married pair a sum of money called a dowry (嫁妆). It is very different today. Most girls of today get a job when they leave school and become financially independent before their marriage. This has had two results. A girl chooses her own husband, and she gets no dowry. Every coin has two sides; independence for girls is no exception. But it may be a good thing for all of the girls, as their social status are much higher and they are no longer the subordinate(部下,下级) of their parents and husbands.
What does the author mean by "Family is of course an elastic word"?

A. Different families have different ways of life.
B. Different definitions could be given to the word.
C. Different nations have different families.
Different times produce different families.

Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are【C1】______than housewives. Evidence(证据)shows that【C2】______are in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows【C3】______the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly(相应的)by 2%. All this【C4】______one point:Work is helpful to health.
Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy,【C5】______loneliness and solitude(孤独). Researches show that people feel【C6】______and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are【C7】______. Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard. Work serves as【C8】______between man and reality. By work, people【C9】______each other. By collective(集体的)activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work【C10】______the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and makes him liable to(易于)【C11】______.
【C12】______, work gives one a sense of fulfillment(充实感)and a sense of【C13】______. Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When【C14】______finishes his writing or a doctor successfully【C15】______a patient or a teacher sees his students【C16】______, they are happy【C17】______.
From the above we can come to the conclusion【C18】______the more you work,【C19】______you will be. Let us work hard,【C20】______and live a happy and healthy life.

A. more healthier
B. healthier
C. weaker
D. worse
