Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides little direction or support?
A. telling
B. selling
C. participating
D. delegating
Which of the following is the type of power a person has because of his or her position in the formal organizational hierarchy?
A. expert power
B. coercive power
C. reward power
D. legitimate power
Sam Meyers is the manager at a department store. He has 20 employees working under him who are mostly unhappy and discontented with the way he threatens them for even minor errors. Which of the following statements is likely to be true about Sam?
A. Sam is a transactional leader.
B. Sam is using coercive power to get the job done.
C. Sam is a telling leader.
D. Sam is using referent power to get the job done.
Your firm's attorney has ________ power when giving legal advice.
A. legitimate
B. status
C. expert
D. coercive
When a young child emulates a professional sports star's behavior, what kind of power does the star have over the child?
A. legitimate
B. expert
C. coercive
D. referent