The marketing funnel identifies the profitability of consumers at each stage in the decision process.
Focusing disproportionate effort on high-profit customers will lead to lower customer profitability for those customers.
A. 对
B. 错
Frequency programs are designed to reward customers who buy often and in substantial amounts.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 肺热肺火咳喘选用马兜铃、枇杷叶
B. 邪实壅肺的咳喘实证选用桑白皮、葶苈子
C. 肺燥久咳选用紫菀、款冬花
D. 肺虚久咳选用白果
E. 肺气上逆咳喘选用苏子、苦杏仁
It's often easier to re-attract ex-customers than to find new ones because the company knows their names and histories.
A. 对
B. 错