
It's a 12-year cycle labeled with animals, starting with a Rat and ending with a Pig, and has no association with constellations. ( )

A. is not associated into
B. has nothing to do with
C. is not connected of
D. is not linked about


According to the BBC and the Chinese government's press release, January 2015 saw a peak of cesarean sections. ( )

A. witnessed a climax of
B. saw a mountain of
C. viewed a summit of
D. looked a top of

It would be rude to hurry through a meal. ( )

A. drop through a meal
B. finish a meal quickly
C. hurry forward a meal
D. go after a meal

The flavors are so diverse it blew me away when I sampled the real thing on my first visit to China. ( )

A. left a deep impression on me
B. blew my top
C. wept me away
D. rubbed me away

The goal is maintaining a balance between yin and yang. ( )

A. keeping a balance
B. breaking the balance
C. balancing out
D. balancing against
